Friday, January 4, 2008

Catching Up

Well, that didn't work so well --- the whole blogging thing. Forgot I even had this thing. So I finished the Wakefield marathon despite high heat and humidity -- 90 degrees or so at gun time. My finishing time was 4:08.14 - good for 15th place out of the 104 who started the race (only 80 finished). I'd been hoping for a sub - 4 hour finish, but what can you do?

After a couple weeks of rest, I started training for the October 28th Cape Cod marathon. Plans to run that one were derailed by a knee injury (patella femoral tracking issues plus what I believe was a partially dislocated kneecap) in early October. I still ran the BAA half marathon and finished that in 1:45, despite the injury, so all that training wasn't completely wasted.

The last few months have been spend undergoing intense physical therapy to rebalance the muscles in my quads. Basically, I run funny. Over time (and many miles) the outside of my quad became much stronger than the interior. This imbalance pulled my kneecap out of line and caused irritation especially following the partial dislocation of the kneecap.

To cut a long story short, I'm running again. 24 miles the week of Christmas, including a 9-miler. I'm hoping to complete a 10 mile run this Sunday. If all goes well, I'm clearing myself to begin building back up to marathon shape. Here's a list of races I'd like to run this year. Note that there's no way I'll run all of them. In fact, all but two marathons (Lincoln and Chicago) and a half-marathon (Madrid) I plan on running like training runs. But planning a full race schedule is awesome, so I just can't bring myself to cut them down now!

3/2/08 - Napa Marathon - Probably going to miss this one. It's just too soon.

4/6/08 - Paris Marathon - I'd like to do this as a longer training run, but my sister is due to have her second baby around this time. Seems rude to camp out in her apartment while she's at the hospital.

5/4/08 - Lincoln Marathon - The first race I'm really targeting. If I don't run this one, I'll be shocked.

5/25/08 - Depending on how I feel either the Run to Remember (Half-Marathon in Boston) or the Ottawa marathon. Either way, it'll be a fun run at a slow pace.

6/21/08 - Madrid Half-Marathon - Racing in front of the parents. Going to try to get my giddyup on for this one.

7/25/08 - Wakefield Marathon - Maybe. Last year was really hot.

8/3/08 - San Francisco Marathon - This might be a good race to cap a summer training phase featuring long, slow, aerobic runs.

10/12/08 - Chicago Marathon - The capstone race of the year. Take no prisoners.

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